The Gathered Stitch, Installation View, Cincinnati OH, 2020

The Gathered Stitch, Installation View, Cincinnati OH, 2020

Away From Prying Eyes, Canvas, Acrylic, Thread, Brass, 110” x 66”, 2020

Away From Prying Eyes, Canvas, Acrylic, Thread, Brass, 110” x 66”, 2020

Detail, Away From Prying Eyes

Detail, Away From Prying Eyes

Unwearable Cloak Side A, Canvas, Acrylic, Felt, Thread, Silver, 6 Sassy Magazines, 50” x 70”, 2019

Unwearable Cloak Side A, Canvas, Acrylic, Felt, Thread, Silver, 6 Sassy Magazines, 50” x 70”, 2019

Unwearable Cloak Side B, Canvas, Acrylic, Felt, Thread, Silver, 6 Sassy Magazines, 50” x 70”, 2019

Unwearable Cloak Side B, Canvas, Acrylic, Felt, Thread, Silver, 6 Sassy Magazines, 50” x 70”, 2019

Detail, Unwearable Cloak,

Detail, Unwearable Cloak,

Social Distance Show

Days before I was to begin hanging my thesis show at the Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati, Covid-19 began its quick sweep across the United States, introducing us to social distancing and quarantine.  In this new social environment I presented The Gathered Stitch to an audience of one (myself) for only a few hours, creating an isolation both temporal and physical.  In a warehouse absent other people I hung my textiles and paintings next to cans of spray paint and strewn cardboard.  If you squint you can see the afterimage of a teenage party from the night before, time collapsing.  

Asking for a Friend, Vinyl, Thread, 55” x 44”, 2019

Asking for a Friend, Vinyl, Thread, 55” x 44”, 2019